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The following people have actually contributed to this plugin. Also Found Here in the Stats widget 3. 4 Reactivate the Stats widget 3. 3 Bug repairing in the settings page 3. 2 Upgrade bootstrap libraries use google charts instead of jqplot Sanitize data 3. 1 Security bug repairs CSS fixes Upgrade libraries 2.
12 Immediate bug fixing (Security Notification) in the ajax calling 2. 11 Fix PHP Notice in the settings page 2. 10 Bug repairing (2) in the user roles (settings page) 2. 9 Bug repairing in the user roles (settings page) 2. 8.1 bug fixing in javascript 2. 8 Including brand-new options in the settings page bug repairing in javascript 2.
The Definitive Guide to How To Block A Country In WordPress? (Geoblocking
7.3 bug repairing "PHP Notice: Undefined variable" adding deactivation poll as modal window, This will help us find out why the plugin was shut off Enhancements in getting country and city names 2. 7.2 fix notice message in the plugins page after most current wordpress updates 2. 7.1 Add one beginning page for all of our plugins CSS enhancements Hot fixes for the current code 2.

WordPress SEO: 58 Tips to Grow Organic Traffic by 123% in 12 Months
5 Bug repairing in top referring websites 2. 4 Bug fixing in traffic by title report 2. 3 Bug fixing in GEOIP library 2. 2 Bug fixing in online search engine statistics (PHP Notice: wpdb:: prepare) 2. 1 Design improvements Bug fixing in summary stats Unlock 3 premium features 1. 21 Bug repairing Notice: Continuous IS_DEMO currently specified 1.
See This Report on 6 of the Best WordPress Statistics Plugins to Measure Your
19 Fix PHP Notification in settings page 1. 18 including the ability to offer access to statistics page for any user type Bug repairing in the IP exclusion 1. 17 bug repairing in RTL interface including membership box 1. 16 bug fixing in the plugin abilities Reports improvements 1. 15 iframe ads eliminated Libraries update CSS enhancements 1.
13 CSRF bug fixing by including recognition and sanitization of the POST (avoid SQL injection) reported by Mr. Paul & Plugin Vulnerabilities 1. 12 CSRF bug repairing in settings page (avoid SQL injection) reported by Mr. Paul 1. 11 fix traffic by title issue repair php 7. 2 compatibility problems 1.